Studentrepresentant Humanistsektionen
Who will be the next Corps President?
Right now you have the opportunity to nominate yourself or another member to important positions of trust for the next business year. Among these are the full-time roles, i.e. union president, section president for each section and a number of other important positions.
Your KICK-OFF will soon start!! Together we will have a fantastic adventure filled with exciting experiences and memories to last a lifetime.
We are here to ensure that your study time is both fun and rewarding; the kick-off is a perfect start to this journey.
History, community, joy, a great deal of commitment and an inexhaustible drive to ensure that you receive an education that you can feel proud of.
That and much more is what you will find in Göta studentkår!
Watch the movie and you will understand what we mean.
English subtitles are embedded in the YouTube video, remember to hit the subtitles button if they do not show up!