Candidates 2024
Candidate 1: Klara Welmsö
Tell us briefly about who you are and what you study/have studied.
Hello! My name is Klara and I study cognitive science at the IT faculty. I am currently in my fourth semester of the education. In addition to my studies, I am active in association life and sit on the boards of two associations that are in two different sections. I think it's very fun to meet people who have the same interests as me, but also people who study completely different subjects than cognitive science and have other interests.
What interests you most and which issues do you want to pursue in the council?
I have a very broad interest in the organization and everything Göta works with, so it is difficult to choose what interests me the most. Recently, the discussion around the IT faculty and its future has made me want to get involved even more in order to get the students' opinions heard. In addition to the issue of the IT faculty's future, I want to pursue all issues that can lead to better study time for Göta Student Union members and also for students at the university in general.
Candidate 2: Julia Linnarsson
Tell us briefly about who you are and what you study/have studied.
My name is Julia, comes from a small place called Vara. I am a social person with the desire to influence my study time. I am currently in my fourth semester of the preschool teacher program.
What interests you most and which issues do you want to pursue in the council?
I want to get involved and be able to influence during my studies to improve life as a student, therefore FUM would be an excellent way to contribute to this.
Candidate 3: Carl Christensson
Tell us briefly about who you are and what you study/have studied.
I study the anthropology program and come from Falkenberg. In my spare time, I spend a lot of time hanging out with friends, mainly in parties, otherwise I like to work with computers a lot.
What interests you most and which issues do you want to pursue in the council?
What interests me is that I mainly want to help in Göta as best as possible in whatevert questions thera are or will be for the students in their education. I don't have any questions that I myself have, but I still want to be there to bring up questions that the student union members bring up.
Candidate 4: Paddingtons Vänner (List)
Tell us briefly about who you are and what you study/have studied.
We are a group of 15 people who all study at the educational science section.
Why do you want to sit on the Göta student union council?
Paddington's friends have for a long time been an influential force within FUM and have actively influenced the Göta student union. We now strive to build on this legacy and make Göta student union Sweden's largest student union. This committed group, consisting of ambitious individuals, will fight for FUM to make decisions that benefit the Göta student union in the best possible way.
What interests you most and which issues do you want to pursue in the council?
Issues that concern and involve us the most are those that concern students' study time and strive to make it as rewarding and beneficial as possible. A central aspect of this commitment is to ensure that every student is aware of what Göta Student Union means and what significance it can have for both the individual student and the student group as a whole. It is our firm belief that many students have insufficient knowledge about the Göta student union, and we believe that this is a matter that requires continuous work to increase awareness and thereby be able to assist students in our fantastic student city in the best possible way.
Candidate 1: Timothy Rudhner | Candidate 2: Elliot Rexenius | Candidate 3: Elsa Svensson |
Candidate 4: Emelie Cimbritz | Candidate 5: Louise Olsson | Candidate 6: Sascha Nourai |
Candidate 7: Julia Hoflin | Candidate 8: Olof Juntorp | Candidate 9: Fanny Fasth |
Candidate 10: Matilda Söderström | Candidate 11: Anastasia Ponomarenko | Candidate 12: Kristoffer Clasberg |
Candidate 13: Tilda Brandt | Candidate 14: Andjela Zuljevic | Candidate 15: |
Candidate 5: Sverkerlistan (List)
Tell us briefly about who you are and what you study/have studied.
Sverkerlistan gathers students and association members from the Faculty of Social Sciences. Therefore, we are a collection of students who study independent courses, programs at both bachelor and master levels, and who have studied at both the faculties of social sciences, natural sciences, and humanities.
Why do you want to sit on the Göta student union council?
Our goal is for Göta Student Union to continue to fulfil its motto of offering all students an education to be proud of and a study period to remember. We believe in a union that continues to act in student politics and be a driving voice for students while also promoting social life among students. By voting for Sverkerlistan, you are voting for a union where members determine the direction!
What interests you most and which issues do you want to pursue in the council?
It should be easy to get involved! - The Sverkerlist wants the union to continue working towards increased inclusivity and reduced barriers to involvement in the various ways students can take part in the student life and movement. Being involved in Göta Student Union should be an easy and obvious choice!
We believe in a union that exercises representation and influence at both university, and national levels. We see attacks on academic freedom and uneven distribution of resources. These are areas the Sverkerlist wants to see the union continue to actively work on. Göta Student Union should become the transformative force we have the capacity to be!
Candidate 1: Maja Ahlström | Candidate 2: Alexander Långdahl | Candidate 3: Else André Klingspor |
Candidate 4: Saga Fogelberg | Candidate 5: Matilda Nevalainen | Candidate 6: Jesper Landin |
Candidate 7: Olivia Bergström | Candidate 8: Egon Johnsson Åberg | Candidate 9: Olle Gustafsson |
Candidate 10: Elsa Wahlback | Candidate 11: Olle Ekerbring | Candidate 12: Adam Persson |
Candidate 6: Nora med vänner (List)
Tell us briefly about who you are and what you study/have studied.
Our names are Linnéa, Nora and Adna and all three are studying at the education section to become some kind of pedagogue. Linnéa is studying high school teacher in Swedish and is now in her second semester. Nora is studying elementary teacher f-3, third semester, and Adna is studying her first semester as an elementary teacher with a specialization in leisure centers. In addition to studying, all three of us are involved in the sex mastery LoL6.
Why do you want to sit on the Göta student union council?
We want to have the chance to be involved and influence current and future students' education and student social experience, as many students are new to the city, we think it is particularly important to ensure that the school is a place where you meet new friends and create important knowledge. By getting involved in the corps, we see our chance to be involved and make a difference.
What interests you most and which issues do you want to pursue in the council?
We are especially interested in questions about the quality of education, as it lays the foundation for the future of many students, we want to make sure that everyone gets the education they deserve. The education must be of a high standard with good teachers to help. We also want to ensure that students get better opportunities for study places. Another important question for us is how student social life can be conducted.
Candidate 1: Linnéa Löfström | Candidate 2: Nora Elmgren | Candidate 3: Adna Duračak |
Candidate 7: Knapptryckarkompaniet (List)
Tell us briefly about who you are and what you study/have studied.
We are a group of associationally active students studying computer science.
Why do you want to sit on the Göta student union council?
We want to be able to exert a direct influence over Göta studentkår. Especially now when the question of the dissolution of the IT faculty will be decided upon.
What interests you most and which issues do you want to pursue in the council?
Make Göta great!
Candidate 1: Albin Otterhäll | Candidate 2: Samuel Hammersberg | Candidate 3: Tim Persson |
Candidate 4: Kristoffer Gustavsson | Candidate 5: Gustav Dalemo | Candidate 6: Ida Vranvuk |
Candidate 7: Lukas Gartman | Candidate 8: Nikhil Olsson Mukhopadhyay |
What is the union election?
Every spring we arrange the union election, when we select new members who will sit on the The Representative Assembly (more information about the The Representative Assembly can be found below) during the next business year. The union election is a three-stage rocket and works like this:
- Before the election, all members are welcome to run for office in order to be elected.
- During the election, all members may vote for the candidates.
- After the election, the election results are presented and the newly elected Representative Assembly hold a constituent meeting for the coming financial year at the end of April.
In cases where we need additional members, a fill-in election is usually arranged in September or October of the following semester.
The Representative Assembly
The Representative Assembly is Göta Student Union's highest decision-making body and consists of 21 members who all represent Göta Student Union members. The council decides on general matters such as the budget, business plan and governing documents. Being part of the council means that you are involved in deciding how Göta Student Union should function, which issues we should prioritize and how this is expressed in the daily activities. It is an exciting and rewarding assignment that gives you a chance to be involved and influence major decisions, as well as an important line in your CV.
Please note that Swedish is the organization's working language, so it is important that you have a basic understanding.
Chingeling! Wille kallas jag och är på håret(som jag börjat tappa) till den äldre generation i min klass, jag läser just nu software engineering and management på GU och även lite kurser vid sidan av(vem kan få nog av att läsa kursböcker). Tidigare läste jag ett basår på KTH men insåg fort att stockholmsdialekten var för svår att lära sig och flydde hem till Göteborg igen för att satsa på studentlivet här istället.
Jag söker med anledning av att jag vill sprida kärlek till ITSek och hjälpa till att skapa gemenskap i dem olika programmen. Jag tror inte på att olikhet betyder ovänner, jag ser en möjlighet att bryta fördomar om oss IT nördar och hjälpa till att skapa en god stämning.
Mitt mål med att söka till fullmäktige är att ge alla en chans till ett gott studentliv, vilket program du än söker till och vart du än kommer ifrån.
Paddingtons vänner består av medlemmar i pedagogsexmästeriet som studerar olika linjer på pedagogen.
Som medlemmar i pedagogsexmästeriet brinner vi för att alla studenter ska få ett så bra studentliv som möjligt. Vi är studenter med en stor mötesvana och erfarenhet från föreningsliv som kan bidra till fullmäktiges arbete.
Vårat huvudmål är att driva frågor som främjar studentlivet kring Göteborgs universitet.
På listan:
Kandidat 1: Alfred Nordh
Kandidat 2: Khanh-Linh Tran
Jag är antagen till ULV-program på utbildningsvetenskapliga sektionen.
Jag intresserar mig av likvärdig betygssättning.
Mitt namn är Rasmus Lukk och jag går nu min fjärde termin statsvetarprogrammet här på GU. Jag har tidigare suttit två perioder i fullmäktige där jag både enskilt och tillsammans med andra drivit frågor som exempelvis mer resurser till studenterna och mer studentinflytande på universitetet.
För mig är det viktigaste att studenterna prioriteras framför allt annat. Jag tycker att så mycket som möjligt av pengarna universitet och kåren får ska gå direkt till att gynna studenterna och det är också en fråga jag drivit i fullmäktige sedan tidigare. Nu när pandemin är över vill jag se till att evenemangen tar fart igen och att de pengar som finns används för att göra det billigare att leva som student. Jag vill att kåren och universitetet ska satsa på den enskilda studenten så att alla kan få en bättre studietid, och på så sätt gör Göteborg till en ännu bättre studentstad.
Jag är Saba Monirzadeh studerar masterprogram i utbilningsforskning vid Göterborgs universitet. Jag är väldigt aktiv och är studentrepresentant i min klass.
Jag skulle vilja jobba extra vid sidan av mina studier. Jag är väldigt intresserad av att arbeta på studentkår och peka på studenternas problem och lösa dem i kåren. Jag tycker om att bjuda in alla studenter att delta i utomhu-och inomhusevenemang och att vara bekant med studentlivet och njuta av att vara i Sverige.
Min enda personality trait är att jag har varit utlandsvensk i hela mitt liv och att jag nu inte riktigt vet var jag hör hemma. Pluggar iaf globala studier och är vice ordförande och kassör i SG Globala.
Institutionen för globala studier har engelskspråkliga kandidatprogram, där det finns ett antal icke-svensktalande studenter. De studenter har svårt att få inflytande i Göta Studentkår. SG Globala har varit tvungen att ändra på språket, styrelsen håller sina möten på. Detta kanske är för mycket begärt av en studentkår där över 95% talar svenska, MEN de engelsktalande studenterna på IGS måste åtminstone ha en person att vända sig till om det uppstår frågor/problem/ärenden som rör Göta Studentkår.