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Union election

The members of the council are elected once a year through a union election. Anyone is allowed to run, the only requirement is that you are a member of the Göta student union.

Through the union election, you as a member can influence the organization.

What is the union election?

Every spring we arrange the union election, when we select new members who will sit on the The Representative Assembly (more information about the The Representative Assembly can be found below) during the next business year. The union election is a three-stage rocket and works like this:

  • Before the election, all members are welcome to run for office in order to be elected.
  • During the election, all members may vote for the candidates.
  • After the election, the election results are presented and the newly elected Representative Assembly hold a constituent meeting for the coming financial year at the end of April.


In cases where we need additional members, a fill-in election is usually arranged in September or October of the following semester.

The Representative Assembly

The Representative Assembly is Göta Student Union's highest decision-making body and consists of 21 members who all represent Göta Student Union members. The council decides on general matters such as the budget, business plan and governing documents. Being part of the council means that you are involved in deciding how Göta Student Union should function, which issues we should prioritize and how this is expressed in the daily activities. It is an exciting and rewarding assignment that gives you a chance to be involved and influence major decisions, as well as an important line in your CV.

Please note that Swedish is the organization's working language, so it is important that you have a basic understanding.

How do I vote?

The election is held during the spring term and voting takes place digitally via Mecenat's service

You log in with your usual Mecenat login, this because the Mecenat app is already your membership card for the corps and thus it recognizes that you are a member and have the right to vote. Nice huh?