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Göteborgs förenade studentkårer

The co-operation body for all student unions in Gothenburg


Göteborgs förenade studentkårer (GFS) is the cooperation body for all student unions in Gothenburg whose purpose is to ensure that Gothenburg becomes the world's best student city. By gathering in a united voice towards the city and the region's politicians, companies and other actors concerning student life, GFS ensures that life gets a little better for students year after year.

The most important issue for GFS is student housing, but other issues that are also high on the agenda are rules regarding alcohol serving for student organizations, public transport and urban planning. GFS has also started the project GBG7000 +, the goal of which is to build at least 7000 student housing units by the year 2026.

GFS is also involved in founding three different foundations, SGS student housing, Folkuniversitetet i Västsverige and RISH. As co-founder, GFS appoints board members to the boards of the three foundations, which means that the students' voices are heard in all three foundations.