On this page you can find all documents that regulate how Göta studentkår works.
All documents are available in Swedish and English. Swedish documents are sorted by category, and the category "In English" gathers all English translations. We are working on a structure where you will be able to sort by category in English as well, check back for future updates.
In English
Education monitoring coordinator
Senast uppdaterad:
Antagen av: The Representative Assembly
Education monitoring coordinator
Senast uppdaterad:Antagen av: The Representative Assembly
Event and associations Coordinator
Senast uppdaterad:
Antagen av: The Representative Assembly
Event and associations Coordinator
Senast uppdaterad:Antagen av: The Representative Assembly
Göta studentkår's Kick-off Policy
Senast uppdaterad:
Antagen av: The Representative Assembly
Göta studentkår's Kick-off Policy
Senast uppdaterad:Antagen av: The Representative Assembly
Göta studentkår’s equal treatment policy
Senast uppdaterad:
Antagen av: The Representative Assembly
Göta studentkår’s equal treatment policy
Senast uppdaterad:Antagen av: The Representative Assembly
Göta studentkår’s foundational values
Senast uppdaterad:
Antagen av: The Representative Assembly
Göta studentkår’s foundational values
Senast uppdaterad:Antagen av: The Representative Assembly
Göta studentkår’s fulltimerpolicy
Senast uppdaterad:
Antagen av: The Representative Assembly
Göta studentkår’s fulltimerpolicy
Senast uppdaterad:Antagen av: The Representative Assembly
Policy for electing individuals to trustee positions.
Senast uppdaterad:
Antagen av: The Representative Assembly
Policy for electing individuals to trustee positions.
Senast uppdaterad:Antagen av: The Representative Assembly
Policy for reporting matters in the Student union
Senast uppdaterad:
Antagen av: The Representative Assembly
Policy for reporting matters in the Student union
Senast uppdaterad:Antagen av: The Representative Assembly
Rules for Göta studentkår’s associations
Senast uppdaterad:
Antagen av: The Representative Assembly
Rules for Göta studentkår’s associations
Senast uppdaterad:Antagen av: The Representative Assembly
Rules of procedure for Göta studentkår's Pub Committee
Senast uppdaterad:
Antagen av: The Union Board
Rules of procedure for Göta studentkår's Pub Committee
Senast uppdaterad:Antagen av: The Union Board
Rules of procedure for kick-off coordinators
Senast uppdaterad:
Antagen av: The Union board
Rules of procedure for kick-off coordinators
Senast uppdaterad:Antagen av: The Union board
Rules of procedure for operational auditor
Senast uppdaterad:
Antagen av: The Representative Assembly
Rules of procedure for operational auditor
Senast uppdaterad:Antagen av: The Representative Assembly
Section chairperson for the section of social sciences
Senast uppdaterad:
Antagen av: The Representative Assembly
Section chairperson for the section of social sciences
Senast uppdaterad:Antagen av: The Representative Assembly
Vice chairperson for the section of social sciences
Senast uppdaterad:
Antagen av: The Representative Assembly
Vice chairperson for the section of social sciences
Senast uppdaterad:Antagen av: The Representative Assembly